Documentary Overview:
In this Documentary filmed and Produced by Toto Productions and in cooperation with Manuel Denegri, Carlos Juni, Tomas Wetzel and Ernesto Camilo Trovato. We are producing a Documentary on the dangerous streets of Capital and of Quilmes.
The Documentary will start with flashes of clips of crashes and ambulances and medical helicopters (everything that has to do with crashes and effects of dangerous streets.) for around 45-60 seconds. It will then fade black into a black screen were a white text will appear with an important fact about crashes and the amount of deaths that occurred in 2010. A voice over will start when this text appears of Manuel Denegri talking and having his opening speech to the documentary. This is basically there to set the main points of the interview, to give the viewer a better understanding of what point we are trying to make to the public. From the voice over (10-15 seconds) we will switch over to a medium shot of Manuel speaking in front of a hospital/street. We have 10-11 Interviews, which will be alternating throughout the first 2-3 minutes that will also involve in the midst of this mixing of different interviews, clips and other things. When clips of crashes or something that has to do with dangerous streets; there will be a continuous voice over of the speaking person. We will then go to an intersection in capital or Quilmes and film with 2 cameras for around 2 – 3 hours the traffic and how the people are driving. We will then look through it and grab the important clips that we want to use and show. After that we will switch to interviews with law enforcement officers and also with municipal people. We will show their views of the driving in their area and what they believe should be done as people who work for making the streets a better place. Clips and other relating things to the topic will pass through in the midst of these interviews and with continuous voice over.
Once completed showing the clips of the interviews, Manuel will have his ending speech of our groups thoughts (changes, the reality of the streets, who’s making them unsafe.) and this will be filmed him next to a grave that is next to the streets which are all around Argentina (wont be hard to find one, Medium-close up.)