lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011
Production Journal-Week 9
Durring this week, our group (TOTO Productions) made all the filming and shots that were needed to be taken done. During the day that we filmed, we did successfully 4 total interviews and and made a lot of different shots for VO's. Overall I believe that us as a team did a great job on completing our objectives. Although we did really well on retrieving the film, we failed in having many face to face interviews and all the Taxi and Bus drivers that we thought that might wanted to be interviewed all said no or they wanted to make a large amount of profit from an interview. To some extent my team did follow the plan to a certain extent, but we also filmed as we went, For instance we stopped at the Aulaplata SUR Office to have an interview in which was successful although we couldn't film her face. I did fulfill my individual role as I choose were the shots were made and the rest of the group took care of everything else. Manuel was the talent and Carlos was the Cinematographer. In Post-Produciton, my job is the editing part of the documentary and i believe that we are going at a good speed and the group will finish the Documentary before hand. Over all, i believe that filming day was very successful and we finished the day with more than enough of film footage which is a very positive thing for the documentary and for the team when it comes to post production.
lunes, 15 de agosto de 2011
Production Journal Week 2
Once we had our pitch approved, we now as a group had to choose who was going to do what. After looking at which person is better off doing, we ended up with Manuel Denegri as being the talent since he has good expierience and is very open to being the one who asks these questions and makes the interviews. We also decided that it was good for Ernesto Trovato to be the Researcher and he is the one who looked for all the sites and the information along as the group as a whole did. Also, Carlos Juni was choosen as the filmer since he has great idea for different shot places and is capable on fulfilling this job. I was choosen as the Editor since i am the more expierienced person who knows about editing and ideas when it comes to editing the film. This week, we also started to creat our storyboards and we are starting to through out our ideas and jotting down on paper what we feel will be succesfull in the film later on.
Production Journal Week 1
The Pitch:
Although this wasnt the groups original idea and pitch, we like our new pitch and are happy with the choice that we made. After Mr.Wise approved of the pitch, we went to work and started furthing planning. One idea that i believe on doing in the editing process is using B-Roll footage in the beggining intro. I got this idea from the work that we did on when working on the documentary: Capturing the Friedmans. In Capturing The Friedmans, the idea of using the b-roll mixed with the film that was filmed by the film crew in the iterviews. On top of that the editing crew used a Voice Over on this mix of film to make it a great documentary and this is what inspired me to use these ideas.
What We are Doing?
Toto Productions are presenting a film pitch for filming how serious the driving situation has came to in Argentina . Showing the crashes, Confirmed facts, and interviews form both the law and the people of Argentina .
Why We Are Doing IT?
We are doing this documentary, because the driving in this country had gotten to a great extreme and its time for people to know and realize the intensity of the situation.
How will we do it?
We will film this in many different locations helping to give and all around show of what happens when it comes to driving and their conduct. We will show the opinions of the people through interviews and show through our own filming what the truth is.
Although this wasnt the groups original idea and pitch, we like our new pitch and are happy with the choice that we made. After Mr.Wise approved of the pitch, we went to work and started furthing planning. One idea that i believe on doing in the editing process is using B-Roll footage in the beggining intro. I got this idea from the work that we did on when working on the documentary: Capturing the Friedmans. In Capturing The Friedmans, the idea of using the b-roll mixed with the film that was filmed by the film crew in the iterviews. On top of that the editing crew used a Voice Over on this mix of film to make it a great documentary and this is what inspired me to use these ideas.
Production Journal #2
This week, more calls were made out to the future people that might be interviewed and we are still strugglining to make contact and organize interviews. Also, after the finalized research was made, we started to download the B-Roll and we are making good progress on getting that done with so the editor can start making the intro to the film. Also in the group, the first draft of the talents questions were produced and once this is done i believe that the pre-production research and preparation will be done with.
miércoles, 10 de agosto de 2011
Foot Steps are Heard as the two characters foot steps are hood walking down the steps and entering the subway station. In New York City.
Antonio and Roberto both in black overcoats, hats, and cigarette in their hands. Latino Suits (silk shirts ect.) and worn out suitcase. Train is approaching (hear subway sounds and shoes hitting the ground.) Cuban Accent.
A: Okay, so you’re saying that if I put a piece of chicken between two buns it a burger?
R: yes man, it’s a burger.
A: Bull shit
R: Man, why u so stubborn?
A: are u fucking with me man?
R: What ever man.
A: U so stupid.
R: What ever man, I know what a burger is and what a sandwhich is man
A: U still talking about that?
R: I’m Just making my point.
A: What ever man.
R: U know what, lets go ask somebody.
A: Are you kidding me man? I’m not talking to no one over a burger.
R: what ever man. I’m right.
A: u always right? Right?
R: Yeah I am, got a problem.
A: nope, just asking man, Tranquilo
R: stupid sandwhich, (chuckles) so stupid.
A: Man, you see u go again. Grow up stupid.
R: Man, can we just get this thing delivered and be over with it. I wanna go to the club, and instead im with u.
A: Whatever man, then don’t come back to me crying for my help when u need it. (sarcasticly/ in a joking way)
R: yeah, yeah man.
The two walk off in the distance with the brief case in the hand as they go up the subway steps and out into the city.
martes, 2 de agosto de 2011
Quentin Tarantino
1) Tarantino, has many and several trademarks that appear in his work. One of the most important trademarks that we can see are the recurring themes that appear in his movies. For example, in at least 8 of his movies he has the recurring scene of foot fetish. We can clearly see this in his movie "Pulp Fiction" and in the Kill Bill saga. Another important trademark that we can see, is the mexican Standoffs that appear more than once in his work. Quentin Tarantino, got this idea and uses it from his favorite movie "The Good The Bad and The Ugly." "Pulp Fiction" one of Tarantino's well known films, has a clear example of a Mexican Standoff when Vincent Vega, Yolanda, and Jules Winnfield are against each other.
2) Tarantino instead of studying at a film-school, was a video clerk and learned and created his own style through that.
3) Although being a big success, Tarantino was critisized by many as his film "ripped-off" the famous Hong Kong movie "City on Fire"
4) For me, both the movies belong to a Volatile Criminal genre, which Tarantino himself has perfected.
POV Shot:

2) Tarantino instead of studying at a film-school, was a video clerk and learned and created his own style through that.
3) Although being a big success, Tarantino was critisized by many as his film "ripped-off" the famous Hong Kong movie "City on Fire"
4) For me, both the movies belong to a Volatile Criminal genre, which Tarantino himself has perfected.
POV Shot:

The POV shot can create the effect that someone is watching and you're seeing what the "person" is seeing. This makes the viewer believe that there's someone their creating tension and scenes of "ultra-violence" like the ones seen in Tarantino's films.

There are many close ups used in Tarantino's movies, the effect of having close-ups, is that we can really see the facial expressions of the characters which helps you understand more of the characters feelings. Also, in a thriller the close up on the "victim" character, allows to create a great thriller effect since they show in which direction the actor is looking but not what they are seeing. This means that the viewer has to rely only on what the character is able to transmit to us through her facial expressions. (this effect creates tension.)
Corpse POV:

This shot, shows the great violence that is able to transmitted since we can see all the blood and how through expressions we can perceive what the "victim/corpse character" is feeling moments before fading away. Showing how their last moments of their life's, was feeling the pain and agony of their maker.
Mirror Shot:

The Mirror shot, creates the effect of insecurity in the character. The ability to show the weakness of the character and how he is lacking in self confidence. Probably implicating that he/she is going through a painful, desperate time; looking for answers. It could also be a time for auto reflection and for deciding their next move.
7)a) A Mexican Standoff is where in a normal standoff, one has the chance of survival and one doesn't. In a Mexican Standoff, the chance of standing down or not dying doesn't exist. There's no winner, survivor in this situation.
b) The term possibly comes from the mexican- american war which was in some reason a "standoff."


True Romance.
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