lunes, 4 de julio de 2011

Production Journal #1

After this weeks work, our group have advanced and picked up a lot this week. We have completed almost all the research that we wanted to do and at the same time we already have some interviews made. We have struggled with contacting one interviewer but at the end of this week we finally made contact and are in the process of organizing interviews. I think that overall this week as a group we have done a good job. I believe as a group we need to focus and concentrate more on the task, becomming more responsable and doing the taks that are set out.
The main outline and planning of the documentary was going to be about public schools and what are there conditions, but now after we have encountered a problem which doesnt permit us film, we have had to change ideas for the documentary and we are now going to produce a film on the dangerous streets of Argentina. This produced a setback to the group since research and everything we had before was thrown away and we now had to start again. But as a group we have caught up with the other groups and we are back on track.
For next week, I am wishing to have all interviews completely organized and ready for filming after the winter holidays.

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